This post brought to you by Hpnotiq. All opinions are 100% mine.

Going out on the town, enjoying clubs and socializing, can be a great way to spend an evening. It's fun to visit different places & meet different people. But lots of times the most fun is had before hand, at home getting ready. It's great fun to get a group of your friends together and just let go - hair down, music up!
Thats what I love about the new site onHypnotiq. It's called Primp & Prep and you are going to have so much fun! There are tons of great things to do on the site. Style, fashion and beauty tips. Do you strive to look and feel like a celebrity when you go out? If so Primp & Prep is just the ticket!
You'll also love the music aspect of Primp & Prep. There's even a Pandora music player for you to listen to popular dance songs while getting ready to go out. Admit love dancing around the room while you're getting beautiful! I sure do!
I love everything about Primp & Prep, but my favorite are probably the beauty tips. Be sure to check the site out for yourselves! You may find that you & your friends are having so much fun that you end up staying home and playing on Primp & Prep all evening!